Friday, February 24, 2017

Chicken Adobo

1.5 kg chicken, sliced into serving sizes
6 boiled eggs
2 tbsp minced garlic
1 pc laurel bay leaves
½ tbsp black pepper, ground
¾ cup vinegar
½ cup soy sauce
¼ tbsp salt
Fried garlic

1. Mash chicken with salt. Wash in running water. Drain and set aside.
2. In a mixing bowl, combine garlic, laurel leaves, black pepper, vinegar, soy sauce and salt. Marinate chicken in this mixture overnight in the ref.
3. Boil marinated chicken until meat is tender. Set aside.
4. Saute garlic until golden brown. Add the boiled chicken and cook for one minute. Reduce fire and continue simmering until meat is tender. Add marinade and let it boil for five minutes. Simmer for 10 minutes over a low fire. Add boiled eggs to give it a special twist. Garnish with fried garlic on top.

CABALEN TIP: Longer marination time allows the chicken meat to absorb the flavors better. Slow cooking over low fire helps blend the flavors together. As you simmer, the amount of sauce will be reduced. Flavors will become more concentrated. Do not leave unattended for a long time to prevent the sauce from drying up.

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