Friday, February 24, 2017

Meatball Baguettes

Serve as an open-faced sandwich or make into a regular two-bread sandwich.

Takes 20 minutes
Makes 4 servings

300 grams ground lean sirloin
Salt and pepper
½ teaspoon cumin
½ teaspoon paprika
1 egg
½ cup vegetable oil
1 small baguette
1 tablespoon three-cheese
Tomato sauce
Slices of quickmelt cheese

1. Mix sirloin, salt, pepper, cumin, paprika, and egg in a small stainless steel bowl. With your hands, form mixture into balls.
2. In a small deep pot over a medium high flame, heat vegetable oil and deep fry meatballs until done, about 3 minutes.
3. Cut baguette either in rounds, for an open sandwich, or on the side. Lay meatballs on top of baguette slices.
4. Spoon over 1 tablespoon three-cheese tomato sauce and top with a thin slice of quickmelt cheese.
5. Broil in an oven toaster until the cheese melts.

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