Thursday, January 12, 2017

Hunt’s Delicious Beef Stew


1 kg beef brisket (punta y pecho)
1 tbsp rock salt
1 tsp pepper
1 cup all purpose flour
½ cup margarine
1 pc large garlic, crushed
½ cup violet onions, chopped
4 pcs carrots, peeled and cut into 2 inch cubes
2 pcs big potatoes, peeled and cut into 2 inch cubes
1 pack HUNT’S TOMATO SAUCE (250 g)
¼ cup soy sauce
2 tbsps sugar
1 pc bay leaf (laurel)
1 can liver spread, small
½ cup water, if pressure cooked or
4 cups water if in a covered casserole


1. Season the beef with salt and pepper then toss in flour.
2. In a pressure cooker or casserole, add margarine and brown the beef. Push to one side of the pan.
3. Add the garlic and cook until light brown.
4. Add onions, carrots and potatoes.
5. Pour HUNT’S TOMATO SAUCE and season with the rest of the ingredients. 
6. Pressure cook for one hour. When you hear a “hizzing” sound, put flame to very low and start timing. After one hour, turn off fire and wait for 15 minutes until all the pressure is released.
7. Decorate with Parsley.

Serves 10-12 persons.

NOTE: Beef Stew can also be cooked in a casserole instead of a pressure cooker. If to be cooked in a casserole, remove carrots and potatoes after 25 minutes. Cook the beef for 1 ½ to 2 hours until beef is tender.

TIP: Wash the pressure cooker cover when cold to avoid deforming the rubber gasket.

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